Newspaper Columns from the New Britain City Journal

Entries in clutter (6)


Perfectly good TV's & getting rid of clutter

Dear Les is More:  Just bought a new 50 inch TV so what do I do with the big 32 inch—it’s still good and in working order…

Thanks, Sal


Dear Sal:

Congrats on buying the mega TV. You can give it to a few charities around town, how about the Boys & Girls Clubs or the Friendship Center? Put it outside your home with a sign that says working TV-FREE.  If you want to make money, tag sale it, craigslist it or donate it and take a tax donation. But don’t just put it in the dump—that‘s wasteful.

Have an Organized Day!


Dear Les Is More: Is there a reason to get rid of my clutter-I mean besides the obvious?



Dear Rhonda:

There are a few reasons to get rid of your clutter. First, you will feel better about you and your home. Second, you will feel more energetic (having clutter around brings down your energy level.) Third-and one of my favorite reasons: you will find money, checks, gift cards…trust me on this—you will find money and it’s hidden in your clutter. In fact, most homes have about $2,000 dollars worth of items you do not use in your home.  Fourth, you will have more time.  Looking for miss placed items takes time, and always looking for things takes time. If you have your keys in the same place all the time, you will not waste time looking for your keys.

Without clutter, will be happier, you will wiser and you will be richer.

Have an Organized Day.

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